

January 2022

If we truly want to be relevant, these are some of the challenges that we need to wrestle with. Relevance means adding value, and the subjects of our actions get a say in what adds value. We must be focused on people and, by extension, build relationships.


November 2021

Advocating a simple lifestyle and faithful stewardship is the world’s solution to sustainability and the climate change crisis. God has placed mankind into this world to ‘keep it and work it’ (Genesis 2:15).


October 2021

How to make our teens thrive in church? You may want to pay attention to church culture and attitudes that tend to undermine faith development in our teens, and what we can do about that.


July 2021

Since its inception, women have played a crucial leadership role in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The important role of Ellen G. White is well documented. Although her prophetic contribution was unique, her contribution as a woman leader was not.


April 2021

COVID-19 continues to dominate the news headlines. Since the announcement of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine breakthrough followed by the AstraZeneca vaccine, concerns about the virus have broadened and the focus has shifted to issues about the vaccines.


January 2021

It is absolutely essential to build a relationship before anything else. Generally speaking, those who accept our invitations to hear more about Jesus, do so because they have built a close bond with a Christian.