A South England Conference Platform


An Inspirational Influence

Although it is not realistic to compare the leadership of any person, including the Queen, with the leadership of the omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent God, God's influence within our lives should impact how we, as individuals, influence other people - just as the Queen's influential leadership has inspired so many.

The Queen has been recognised as an inspirational and influential leader throughout the seventy years of her reign. Much could be written about her leadership. One approach could write from a biographical perspective focussing on the development of her leadership throughout her reign; another from a management perspective focussing on her role; others from a personal perspective focussing on her qualities; another from a philosophical perspective focussing on her principles and methods; another from positional perspective concentrating on her position; another from a pragmatic perspective focussing on what worked for her, and still another from a situational perspective focussing on leading through the many and varied situations she has encountered during her long reign.

While reflecting on the Queen’s leadership qualities, perspectives, and experiences, time also needs to consider how God leads each of us. The biblical account suggests ten aspects of God’s leadership.

  1. God leads relationally and redemptively. God wants a relationship with humanity. He invites all of us to enter a covenant relationship with him. In this ever-present covenant, God consistently has demonstrated His commitment to His people with His actions before expecting their response. He identifies His expectations for happiness, and there are references to both the positive and negative consequences of our choices. A copy of the covenant is always available, and this relationship is transparent. Because of the presence of witnesses, both God and humanity are accountable. As part of this covenant relationship, there is also a restoration process for when we fall short of his expectations. God wants to restore His image in His beloved humanity.
  1. God’s leadership is based on principles. Even though God’s leadership has a robust relational aspect, He doesn’t become subjective or play favourites. Throughout Scripture, God is always the same, and his principles are unchanging, even though He may have a different approach for different people in different situations. God will always speak truth into situations while treating people with grace.
  2. God always communicates within man’s culture. God’s approach to humanity is always in a language and a symbols system that they understand. The symbols used by God, such as the covenant, are chosen from symbol systems that are familiar to humans. God understands our human limitations and works within the confines of our experience.
  3. God always develops and equips those He calls. Whether we are dealing with Noah, Sarah, Moses, Rahab, Ruth, Daniel, Nehemiah or Paul, God always ensures that His followers have everything necessary with which to function. When Moses was not confident in carrying out the task, God found a way. When Jonah was unwilling to go to Nineveh, God demonstrated His power through the storm and fish experience. Consequently, Jonah had the confidence to go the second time. God’s followers are empowered by His willingness to ensure we are equipped for the task He has called us to do.
  4. God always has the end in mind, and His task will be accomplished. Although God has a mission and purpose for humanity, He is not restricted to one method, person, or approach to achieving His mission. He is prepared to wait to accomplish His plan. He is willing to keep on trying, time after time. If all else fails, God has another plan because His followers are not competent or confident.
  5. God’s method is servanthood. As a leader, God wants to adopt a servant type of approach. He demonstrated that He would get his head, hands, and heart dirty by coming to this world. He is willing to go at humanity’s pace. He is ready even to be used by people while waiting for their development. God’s approach is always follower centred. The method is custom designed for each follower. Jesus said that He came to serve. This service is characteristic of God’s methodology.
  6. God builds teams. Although God calls individuals, he still makes them into a team. In the time of Moses, the team was built on the Jethro principle. In the time of Nehemiah, God wanted to use Nehemiah to weld the nation of Israel into a team. In the early church, the Holy Spirit constantly developed the necessary spiritual gifts for the body – His church. Such gifts were never in isolation. They were part of the body – God’s team imagery.
  7. God trusts people. When God commissions us with a task, He allows us to discharge the task. People are not left alone, as evidenced by the presence of His Spirit, but are entrusted to complete the assignment. God only overrides the trust He places in people when they persist in rejecting His commission.
  8. God expects leaders to develop other leaders. As we look at the example of Moses, with the Jethro principle, God used Jethro to encourage Moses to train other leaders. The same is true of Paul. His skills were used to develop many other workers, including Timothy. The leadership opportunities that Barnabas was able to open for Paul then reciprocated Paul in others.
  9. God usually works naturally, but on special occasions will intervene supernaturally. In the lives of Moses, Daniel and Paul, God has used the supernatural to get their attention or the attention of those with whom they work. God usually uses natural methods of communication. However, if the situation demands, God will use these supernatural methods.


No doubt, elements of the above leadership qualities, methods and values of God can be seen in the leadership of the Queen. Although it is not realistic to compare the leadership of any person, including the Queen, with the leadership of the omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent God, God’s influence within our lives should impact how we, as individuals, influence other people – just as the Queen’s influential leadership has inspired so many.

Dr Steve Currow is the Principal of Newbold College of Higher Education in Bracknell, UK