A South England Conference Platform


The Trustworthy Source of Your Faith

The challenge with trusting God is that there will always be things we won't understand.

There will always be unanswered questions. “Why is my illness not getting better?” “Why didn’t I get that job?” “Why am I still waiting for the right person?” Some things need to be clarified. The question is, can you still accept God’s answers when life’s journey goes against your desired path? God is a sovereign God. We are going to need help understanding everything that happens in life. Faith is trusting God when life does not make sense. The more you know God and learn about His character and principles, the greater basis you will have in which to apply your trust. The scriptures speak of God as the trustworthy source of your faith. Here are some reasons we can confidently trust God in a crisis.

  1. God keeps His promises.

Regarding keeping promises, God has a 100% track record. Of His promises, the scriptures declare, “not one of all the Lord’s good promises has failed … everyone was fulfilled.” (Joshua 21:45). What He says He will do and “what He says can already be considered done … what God had promised, He was able also to perform.” (Romans 4:21)

  1. God’s nature is faithfulness.

One of the fruits or characteristics of His Spirit is faithfulness. He will not let any circumstance you face come in the way of proving Himself faithful. We are told that God’s faithfulness is new every morning (Lamentations 3:23). Each new day is a fresh supply of God’s commitment to remain loyal to you. It also means His word is faithful, and His promises are binding.

  1. Nothing is too hard for God.

God is all-powerful and mighty! If He spoke and the world came into existence, how much more can He speak and bring healing and strength into your life? “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh,” declares the Lord, “Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27)

  1. God is not surprised or baffled at your situation.

Nothing about your situation will shock or surprise God. See your fears for what they are, then stand up to them and face them. Only your trust in God can kill your fears. The ultimate technique for ending worry is to bring God into every fearful situation. No fear can live in the presence of God. The deeper your trust in God becomes, the less power fear will have over you.

The psalmist’s experience can also be ours, “I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” (Psalm 34:4)

With this knowledge, you can depend on God to be your rock and solid foundation in any crisis that will come your way.

Pastor Richard Daly is the Senior Minister for the Brixton SDA Church