

July 2019

Persons diagnosed with any form of chronic illness will tell you that the experience is debilitating. Given the fact that chronic illness is long- term and may not have a cure, can leave many feeling very alone and sometimes depressed.


April 2019

Mental Health issues have become increasingly prominent in recent times as more and more people become aware of its debilitating effects. The impact on individuals in many cases extends to their families and their wider circle of friends.


January 2019

What a great opportunity we have to be able to live and work with people from all walks of life. The Church of God is a hospital for all of us because we all are in need of a Saviour. None of us is beyond redemption. There is hope for each of us.


October 2018

The coming of Jesus started a new community. The way Jesus treated people shows that all polarisations within society are now dramatically changed: the racial division between Jews and Gentiles, and the class division between slaves and freemen are no longer acceptable anymore.


July 2018

To be successful at reaching their goals, our children are taught that they should never give up. Our Christian life is compared to running a race (1 Corinthians 9:24; Hebrews 12:1). To successfully enter into God’s Kingdom, they must endure until the end (Matthew 24:13).


April 2018

Relational conflicts can present a great opportunity for individuals to learn more about themselves and others. To move forward after a conflict, it is important that we keep an open mind and focus on what builds us up rather than what can destroy us.